This Beautiful, Messy Life

In this age of Instagram-worthy images that portray perfect and mess-less lives, I’m here today to remind you that life is not perfect. We need to stop falling down the rabbit-hole of lies that it is, and stop comparing our lives to social media posts. Life - it’s messy, yet beautiful. It’s chaotic and loud, in between quiet and lonely. No matter where you’re at on your journey in this life, it’s never going to look like anyone else’s. And that’s ok! In fact, it’s amazing. It’s what makes your life unique, your story different. Embrace the mess and the moments that aren’t picture-perfect. I try to in my own life, and I definitely try to for client sessions as well. Especially if there are small kiddos involved! Oftentimes, my favorite moments when editing are the real-life ones like this. These two big sisters have so much personality, and so much love for their new little brother. But change is hard, all, especially when you’re young and a new little creature that never leaves is brought home! Embrace the chaos, friends, and look for the beauty in the mess that life can be. Happy New Year!

Cheers, Courtney

There's a Reason Babies are So Cute…

I’ll preface this blog post by stating that I am not a mom so I have no first-hand experience with motherhood, just auntie-hood. But most of my friends and family are moms and I know how hard it can be. I’ve seen it first-hand watching my sisters become moms. And I’ve photographed a lot of babies at this stage. The newborn stage is especially tough on moms! The lack of sleep, the navigating of finding out who this little person is and what they need. It’s all a process. But I’m convinced that’s why babies are so cute! I mean, those every-two-hour-feedings in the middle of the night… you gotta have a cute baby to look at at 3 in the morning or one might go mad from never sleeping. I am certain I would! But then again, I need a looooot of sleep!

I always try to photograph mom & dad/family first at newborn sessions so that mom and dad can relax after while I photograph baby. I tell them they’re welcome to take a nap, or just rest in a comfy chair for a bit while I take their baby’s photos. I do this for two reasons. 1. I genuinely want them to rest while they can and 2. if baby can smell mom nearby, this might make it a bit more difficult for photos as they may want to eat & eat & eat! If this isn’t baby number one, then they usually end up chasing their other babies around ;)

Mr. J’s mom ended up having an emergency C-section so her recovery was much more difficult than anticipated. But you’d never know it in their adorable family photos. I have so much respect and awe for moms of all kinds. And while Mr. J was just under two weeks new for his debut photos, he wanted to be sure he didn’t miss a thing in his new world! No sleeping for this guy! Not until the last 15 minutes of his session. But he wasn’t fussy, either. Just alert, making sure he didn’t miss anything. I loved that so much, and I loved spending time with this tiny little human. So I can only imagine how his mama feels at those 2am feedings. I think we’re all going to be great friends!

Congrats, W family! I adore you all ❤️

Baby boy wrapped in a grey swaddle is held by his mom while his dad hugs both of them while they all smile at baby boy during his in-home lifestyle newborn photo session in Chicago, IL.
Dad snuggles noses with his newborn baby boy while mom watches behind them at their lifestyle newborn session in Chicago, IL.
Mom holds her newborn baby boy and smiles at him during their in-home lifestyle newborn session in Chicago.
Newborn baby boy lies in his crib, looking at the camera, during his newborn lifestyle session in Chicago. A sign with his birth stats is behind him.
Newborn baby boy lies in his crib looking at the camera, on sheets that look like watercolor mountains, during his lifestyle in-home newborn photo session with Courtney Laper.

Baby Close-Up Details - A Must!

Close-up details of newborn baby’s nose and lips during his lifestyle newborn session.
Newborn baby boy profile close-up.
Newborn baby boy snuggles with his stuffed animal during his newborn session in Chicago.
Close-up photo of newborn baby boy’s hair while he lays in a bear basket during his lifestyle newborn session in Chicago, IL.
Newborn baby boy snuggles on a faux fur rug in his nursery during his lifestyle newborn photo session in Chicago, IL.
baby boy in white swaddle laying in a bear basket during his in-home newborn photo session in Chicago

Sweet Baby Camille - Chicago Lifestyle Newborn Photo Session

Ever want to know how to rock your newborn photo session? Just follow this family’s lead! Get the whole fam in, including both dogs! Give me a newborn and a dog & I’m in love. Two dogs and a newborn, though? I’m obsessed. All the heart eyes over here!

It took a while for me to actually get to meet sweet baby Camille but I was so glad when I did! I was supposed to photograph her birth, but wasn’t able to because she ended up being breach so her Mama had to have an unplanned C-section. Shortly after birth she was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and it was a scary time for her mom and dad. After a NICU stay, this sweet girl was finally able to come home. Here, she is about a month old and doing fantastic - just ask her pup siblings! Welcome to the world, beautiful girl. You’re already such a fighter and a true inspiration!

newborn on bed with two dogs

Welcome, Camille, I can’t wait to see who you become. Much love!