Erin and her Getting Ready Story

My sweet, beautiful friend Erin asked me if I would swing by her hotel last week before she got married(!!!) so I could take some photos of her details. If you know me, you know details are my absolute faaaaaaaaaaaaavorite thing to photograph; especially wedding details. The prettier the better. The sparklier the better. The blingy-er the better. I just made up words to prove a point - you get the idea! I showed up to a hotel room at The Langham and was greeted with squeals of delight from all of the girls and a giant hug from Erin. Her girls and her mom all surrounded her and the love and excitement was just infectious. I mean, I was so thrilled for Erin before arriving, but after spending the morning with this crew, I was excited beyond words. Erin's posse is legit! And her MOM... You can just see the pride beaming out of this woman for her daughter. Not gonna' lie, my eyes were welling up in the room with them and did so again while culling through my photos. These photos are some of my favorite wedding moments I've ever captured and I've done this a lot! Enough talking, let the photos speak for themselves!

I'm so excited to share these with you all and am so honored, Erin, that you asked me to document your special morning for you. I love every detail that you put into this wedding almost as much as I love you and Kevin! I'm so happy for you both and I hope this helps cure your post-wedding withdrawals! I can't wait to see the photos from the rest of your perfect day! Congratulations!